This website is owned by KJS Media Services. If you continue to browse and use this website you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern KJS Media’s relationship with you in relation to this website.
We aim to respond to all emails and telephone calls either immediately or within 1 to 2 business days. In reality almost everything is responded to within minutes or hours but when we are very busy it may take a little longer.
Any content, data or information stored on or uploaded to this service whether by you or a third party using your password is your responsibility. You must comply at all times with all relevant laws and regulations relating to such activities or information. This includes but is not necessarily limited to: copyright; defamation; trademarks; data protection or any regulation of offensive, obscene or illegal content. We reserve the right to access any content, data or information stored on this service or email messages sent via this service and remove all or any part of such information or message if we deem it to be actually or potentially inappropriate or illegal. However, KJS Media is under no obligation to monitor any such information, content or messages and it is your responsibility to comply with any applicable law, regulation and these terms. You will indemnify us against any loss we may incur as a result of your breach or any alleged breach of any such law or regulation by any third party.
For our social media services we charge an agreed monthly cost for access to our service. This charge starts four weeks prior to the launch of the new service, so you receive our services first and then pay at the end of the month.
If you no longer wish to use our service you can cancel at any time, unless stated differently in the original contract, for example; a six month rolling contract.
Should you request services from KJS Media but then decide not to proceed at any stage before the website is live then we reserve the right to only partially refund your payment. We will of course endeavour to refund any money where possible but equally we must ensure that we have covered the cost of work done on your project.
We will provide a domain name for you as part of our web design service. This domain will be registered for at least as long as you use our service. If you no longer wish to use our service then we are happy to transfer the domain
name to another hosting business if agreed with an administration fee.
Any complaints should be sent to kate@kjsmediaservices.com
With our ecommerce web design service we automatically set you up to receive payments via PayPal, we also use a number of payment methods that is up to the clients discretion including Stripe and Square, these may cause extra additional monthly charges. These allow you to accept payments from most major debit and credit cards. Should you require an alternative solution please contact us with your requirements.
KJS Media makes no warranty that (i) the service will meet your requirements, (ii) the service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, (iii) the results that may be obtained from the use of the service will be accurate
or reliable, (iv) the quality of any services, information, or other material downloaded or obtained by you through the service will meet your expectations, and (v) any errors in the software will be corrected. We are not liable
to you for any loss or damages resulting from your use of our service, including in relation to negligence.